What Are The Benefits of Play Therapy For My Child’s Emotional Health?

What Are The Benefits of Play Therapy For My Child’s Emotional Health?

While we do not allow all behaviors in children, we should allow and accept all feelings. Feelings are automatic and natural and not a product of conscious choice, so letting them flow is necessary for a child’s emotional development. However, when children express strong or negative feelings and desires, they are often met with disapproval by their parents or other adults. If he or she says, “I hate my brother!” the parent may respond, “Don’t say that! You really love him.”

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Buying kids toys – call them: “Emergency Toys”

Buying kids toys – call them: “Emergency Toys”

As I have said elsewhere, a generous amount of happiness for children is not a frivolous desire, a privilege or even a right, it is a deep and fundamental need. Growing up without enough happiness, joy and pleasure actually generates emotional illness. It is our job as parents to provide that happiness daily, in doses wisely administered at specific intervals when needed. 

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Should children have to earn their privileges?

Should children have to earn their privileges?

Many parents seem to express an interesting philosophy. They say “I don't mind buying him whatever he wants as long as he earns it.” They seem to feel that this way they're teaching the child a good work ethic, that goodies don't come for free and to appreciate the value of a dollar. In addition, having the child earn his privileges relieves a parent of that great fear going around that my child will be spoiled, since if he earned it he's obviously not spoiled..

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How to Get Kids to Clean Up

How to Get Kids to Clean Up

“My kids make such a mess,” is a common complaint of many parents. “I'm sick of cleaning up after them, they need to clean up their own mess.” This is a reasonable position, but how is it accomplished? Asking children to clean up often simply generates resistance. It may be more difficult to get them to clean up than it is to just clean it up yourself.   Threats and punishments don't seem to work very well either. My clinical experience shows that they just result in more misbehavior and not very much cleaning.

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How To Get My Child To Read

How To Get My Child To Read

The following advice is based on my Montessori and teaching experience, psychotherapy experience, and my experience educating my own four boys. As I am fluent in three foreign languages, I am familiar with the challenges of tackling new language material. It was through enjoyment of the beauty of those languages that I saw that enjoyment was the surest path to appreciation of language and reading. So when asked, “How to get my child to read?” I answer, through teaching him to enjoy it.

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Toys, Junk Food, Video Games and T.V. – Finding Healthy Child Activities

Toys, Junk Food, Video Games and T.V. – Finding Healthy Child Activities

The name of the game with these items is balance. If they get too much it is unhealthy and corrupting. If they don’t get enough it is intolerable for them, they feel deprived, are miserable and tend to get obsessed with what they’re missing. You need to use great wisdom to figure out exactly how much each child needs.

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