Do Therapists really help?

Do Therapists really help?

This is a case study of a real client who came to me in recent years. She has agreed to let me write about her case because she wants so much to help others so they should not suffer like she did! I am calling her Sarah and I have changed a few personal details to preserve her anonymity, but otherwise the story is 100 percent true to life.

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Using Medications for Your Child’s ADHD, Behavior Problems, Anxiety or Depression: 25 Amazing Tips

Using Medications for Your Child’s ADHD, Behavior Problems, Anxiety or Depression: 25 Amazing Tips

My opinion in general is that using medications for your child’s ADHD and other issues, including psychotropic meds such as Ritalin, Prozac, etc., should be reserved for more serious situations. For example, if a child diagnosed with ADHD is getting B’s and C’s it is probably overdoing it to put him on meds.

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Self-Esteem: Do you at times feel terrible and at times fantastic?

Self-Esteem:  Do you at times feel terrible and at times fantastic?

There is a common situation that many emotionally unhealthy individuals find themselves in. They alternate between feeling very badly about themselves, that is suffering from very poor self-esteem on the one hand, but on the other hand feeling very grandiose, superior and amazing. This is nothing but an attempt to bounce themselves out of those bad feelings by imagining themselves having superior, amazing qualities, which are so great that they can redeem him from even the most terrible feelings of low self-worth.

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What are the top reasons why people avoid psychotherapy?

What are the top reasons why people avoid psychotherapy?

Do you know people who truly need good psychotherapy but seem to be unmotivated to pursue it seriously? Maybe you know someone who started therapy but just when he began to get better he quit. How do we understand this peculiar self-defeating behavior? Alice Miller, the famed psychotherapist who explained the role of childhood in emotional illness, explains the top reasons why people avoid psychotherapy in the title of her magnum opus, The Drama of the Gifted Child. What gift does the child have? He or she has the amazing ability to survive childhood trauma. 

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Integrating therapy with 12-Step Programs - Why the steps alone won't do it!

Integrating therapy with 12-Step Programs - Why the steps alone won't do it!

Have you participated in 12-Step meetings for years, and found them helpful, but still feel that something is missing? Do you know people who work those programs diligently, but still suffer from major emotional health problems and unhealthy lifestyles? Would you like to finally find true and lasting recovery?

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